Page 25 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 25

Working Together as a Community
                             Joint Parish Council Meetings

         Our next meeting is scheduled for 16th June, 2024 at 7:30pm and
         is being held at Eathorpe Village Hall. Members of the public are
         welcome to attend meetings. Residents can email or phone Parish
         Councillors if they have issues to raise.

         For further information or an emailed copy of the meeting Agenda
         or     minutes       please      contact      the      Clerk     on

         The meeting dates for 2024

         The dates below follow the usual JPC pattern of meetings.

           May            21st            Offchurch Village Hall
           June           No Meeting
           July           16th            Eathorpe Village Hall

           August         No Meeting
           September      17th            Offchurch Village Hall
           October        No Meeting
           November       19th            Eathorpe Village Hall
           December       No Meeting

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