Page 21 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 21

curving their assertion
                among the tentative haunters.

                This is the place.
                And I am here, the mermaid whose dark hair
                streams black, the merman in his armored body.
                We circle silently
                about the wreck
                we dive into the hold.
                I am she: I am he

                whose drowned face sleeps with open eyes
                whose breasts still bear the stress
                whose silver, copper, vermeil cargo lies
                obscurely inside barrels
                half-wedged and left to rot
                we are the half-destroyed instruments
                that once held to a course
                the water-eaten log
                the fouled compass

                We are, I am, you are
                by cowardice or courage
                the one who find our way
                back to this scene
                carrying a knife, a camera
                a book of myths
                in which
                our names do not appear.

            This seems to me to be an exploration of the poet herself. It is
         inclusive  - the protagonists are mermaid and merman, “I am she: I am
         he”, and are later described as, “We are, I am, you are”. It also makes
         the extraordinary experience of the dive into something unremarkable -
         “a book of myths, in which our names do not appear”. Rich has
         managed to generalise her experience to all of us.
            If she is a new poet to you too, please read more of her work. There
         are huge riches to be found in Rich!  (Sorry!)

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