Page 20 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 20

First the air is blue and then
                it is bluer and then green and then
                black I am blacking out and yet
                my mask is powerful
                it pumps my blood with power
                the sea is another story
                the sea is not a question of power
                I have to learn alone
                to turn my body without force
                in the deep element.

                And now: it is easy to forget
                what I came for
                among so many who have always
                lived here
                swaying their crenellated fans
                between the reefs
                and besides
                you breathe differently down here.

                I came to explore the wreck.
                The words are purposes.
                The words are maps.
                I came to see the damage that was done
                and the treasures that prevail.
                I stroke the beam of my lamp
                slowly along the flank
                of something more permanent
                than fish or weed

                the thing I came for:
                the wreck and not the story of the wreck
                the thing itself and not the myth
                the drowned face always staring
                toward the sun
                the evidence of damage
                worn by salt and sway into this threadbare beauty
                the ribs of the disaster

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