Page 23 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 23

measured 40 mph gusts on 9 April and 17 mm of rain on 28 April.
         The sea-level atmospheric pressure rose to 1025 hPa on the 21st,
         falling to 975 hPa towards the end of the month. The average
         pressure was 1005 hPa. Winds were mainly from a westerly
         direction but turned easterly at the end of the month.
            Despite the rain
         and cloud there
         were only three days
         without any
         sunshine and a total
         for the month of 109
         hours, which is
         33 percent below
         the average for April.
         This was 30 hours
         fewer than April 2023.
                When is a storm not a storm?
            There seem to have been rather a lot of named storms over
         the past few months, with two alone mentioned above. The
         legal definition defines a storm as being a high wind [1]. The
         Royal Meteorological Society [2] says it’s a weather system
         accompanied by strong winds and other destructive weather
         such as heavy rain, thunderstorms and/or hail. The Shipping
         Forecast defines storm force winds as having a mean wind
         speed of 55-63 mph over a ten-minute period or gusts to 70-
         78 mph. The Association of British Insurers states a storm
         should have winds gusting 55 mph, or torrential rainfall of a
         least 25 mm per hour, or rates of snowfall to at least 12
         inches deep in 24 hours, or hail with a force to damage hard
         surfaces or break glass. Finally, the Met Office states a storm
         is a violent atmospheric disturbance, which may include
         fierce winds, thunderstorms, squalls, snow storms,
         hailstorms, etc. But what if you experience a violent
         atmospheric disturbance that causes damage necessitating
         an insurance claim and the Met Office has not declared it as a

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