Page 27 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 27


            As a hobby, I maintain several websites, mostly for local asso-
         ciations. One of these is the Warwick and Leamington Beekeepers
         Association. It was recently pointed out to me that, when people
         searched through Google for “Warwick and Leamington Beekeep-
         ers”, what they got was the following:

            As very few local beekeepers read Japanese (that’s a fairly con-
         fident guess), such a search result is of little use - although to be
         fair, clicking on the Japanese text did take you to the right web
         page!) I’ve investigated this and discovered a couple of security
         issues with the site, which I’ve fixed. But what was most interest-
         ing was that the Japanese link only appeared when you searched
         using Google on the Chrome browser.
            Now that is not the way I usually search on the Internet. Google
         has a terrible reputation for collecting all kinds of data about its
         users - selling this data is how it makes most of its money. It is
         possible for a user to delete all this data, but the process is quite
         complex. So I, like many thousands of Internet users, have
         changed our search engines. I now use a system called Duck-
         DuckGo, which guarantees NOT to collect any information at all
         from its users.
            It’s very easy to set your Internet browser to use DuckDuckGo.
         Full instructions can be found at https://
            Using DuckDuckGo to search for “Warwick and Leamington
         Beekeepers” did NOT produce the Japanese link, but the expected
         link. So - it’s more secure and doesn’t collect data about you.
         What’s not to like?

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