Page 3 - April 2024 Newsletter
P. 3


         The exact origins of April Fools' Day are uncertain, and there are
         several theories about how the tradition began. One popular
         belief is that it dates back to 16th-century France when the
         country switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian
         calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. In the Julian
                                              calendar, New Year's Day fell
                                              around the end of March or
                                              early April. However, with the
                                              adoption of the Gregorian
                                              calendar, New Year's Day
                                              was moved to January 1st.
                                              According to the legend,
                                              some people either refused
                                              to accept the new date for
                                              New Year's Day or remained
                                              unaware of the change.
                                              Others would mockingly
         exchange gifts and play pranks on those who celebrated the New
         Year in the spring. Over time, this evolved into a tradition of
         playing practical jokes on friends and family.

         Another theory suggests that April Fools' Day has roots in ancient
         celebrations of spring, where people engaged in playful and
         mischievous behaviour as a way to welcome the arrival of the new

         Regardless of its precise origin, April Fools' Day has become a
         widely recognized and celebrated day for pranks and jokes in
         many countries around the world. People play practical jokes on
         each other, media outlets publish fake news stories, and
         businesses sometimes participate in the fun by promoting
         humorous products or services. It's a day that encourages
         lightheartedness and laughter, with participants often saying

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