Page 7 - April 2024 Newsletter
P. 7

Some Smart, But Simple, Technology Tips

         Technology can seem very complex and daunting, but there are
         actually some very simple things you can do to make it work for
         you. Here are a few tips that I’ve learnt (sometimes the hard way)
         from over 30 years of having to work with technology of various

         1. Before buying any new technology, think about what you
         need to do now but also what you might need to do in the

         The first PC I ever bought had 128 kilobytes of memory. I could
         have bought one with 256k but that cost a fair bit more. Within two
         months I was regretting that decision. What I learnt was that it is
         much better to spend a little more research time and/or money to
         find a device you can “grow into” than have to replace an
         inadequate device later. Save time and money by doing a bit of
         forward planning.

         2. Use Keyboard Shortcuts
         It’s essential to learn some keyboard shortcuts! They can
         drastically increase your productivity by reducing the time you
         spend on common tasks. Most people know that, on a PC, you
         can use Ctrl + C to copy material and Ctrl + V to paste it
         somewhere else. But did you know that Ctrl + A selects all the
         material on a screen/page? Or that  Ctrl +Z undoes an action and
         Ctrl+Y does it again?  There is a long list of shortcuts like this on
         this web page.

         3. Use A Password Manager
         I cannot stress this enough: Use a password manager! As a
         human, you cannot create randomness, and you cannot
         remember randomness. So, instead of trying to remember a lot of
         different passwords, create one very strong password to protect
         all of your other machine-generated passwords. The variety of
         passwords will limit the impact of any one data breach.

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