Page 9 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 9


            Monday Club met at The Pavillon at Dunchurch Hall on Monday
         13th May hosted by Christine Kirkwood . Since  Christine was
         unable to organise a speaker from the NSPCC , as she had hoped,
         plan B was a Beetle Drive.  This involves tables
         of four people with pencil and paper with the
         image of a Beetle on it.  Each body part has a
         different value and we had to throw a dice  to
         the correct value to complete the beetle. The
         person with the highest score moved on a table
         and so we managed to play with almost
         everyone by the end. Jeff Arnold was the winner.
         A fun and sociable activity for a wet day !
            We followed with tea and lovely cakes and a raffle, the takings
         from which were given to the NSPCC.
            Many thanks to Christine for her hospitality.
            The next meeting is Monday 24th June,  for a visit to Kenilworth
         to see a garden which is in the Open Gardens Scheme with more
         great  tea and cake !
                                                               Carolyn Davis

                            COMMUNITY CAFE

                 The Community Café ‘Drop In’ is now seasonal.
              Everyone welcome for refreshments & a chat at the café.

                         During the Spring and Summer …
               Every second Wednesday of May, June, July and August
           Do come and join us for AFTERNOON TEA, home-made cakes,
                     sandwiches, conversation and company..

                      In Hunningham Parish Room
               NEXT AFTERNOON TEA – 12th June 2024 3.30 pm
          We hope to see you there. If you need a lift please contact Hazel
                                Taylor 01926 632428

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