Page 5 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 5

nowned for its vibrant colours, meticulous attention to detail, and
         the graceful depiction of the female figure.
            In  "Flaming  June,"  Leighton  portrays  a  sleeping  woman  in  a
         flowing,  orange-yellow  gown  against  a  vibrant  background.  The
         composition is characterised by the use of warm, intense colours,
         particularly shades of orange, yellow, and red. The woman is re-
         clined in a classical pose, with one arm resting above her head,
         and  the  overall  atmosphere  exudes  a  sense  of  tranquillity  and
            Despite  its  beauty,  "Flaming  June"  was  not  initially  well-
         received,  and  after  Leighton's  death  in  1896,  the  painting  faded
         into relative obscurity. It was not until the 1960s that the artwork
         experienced a resurgence in popularity. Today, "Flaming June" is
         considered a masterpiece of Victorian  neoclassicism and is ad-
         mired for its aesthetic appeal and the skilful execution of the sub-
         ject matter.
            The painting is currently housed in the Museo de Arte de Ponce
         in Puerto Rico, where it has become one of the museum's most
         prized possessions. "Flaming June" is celebrated for its timeless
         beauty  and  continues  to  captivate  art  enthusiasts  around  the


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