Page 8 - June 2024 Newsletter
P. 8

discovered that the compound thiotimoline will dissolve in
         water—in the proportions of 1 g/mL—in minus 1.12 seconds. That
         is, it will dissolve before the water is added.

            A Venerable Tradition
            Asimov’s thiotimoline did not come out of nowhere, of course.
         There has always been a blurred boundary between fiction on the
         one hand and spoofs and hoaxes on the
         other. A famous early example is Gulliver’s
         Travels, written by Jonathan Swift and
         dating from as long ago as 1726. Although
         the book recounts the title character’s
         adventures in outrageously far-fetched
         parts of the world like Lilliput, where the
         human inhabitants are only a few
         centimetres tall, it is written in the style of
         many other, perfectly factual, traveller’s
         accounts of its time. In this sense, Gulliver’s Travels might almost
         be considered a deliberate hoax.
            During the 19th century, it was quite common for authors of
         horror fiction to present their stories in pseudo-factual form in
         order to give them added credibility. For example, both Mary
         Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897)
         contain numerous letters, diary entries and other supposed “real-
         world” documents—all of which are, of course, entirely fictitious.
         Other writers, such as Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft also
         used such a “realistic” approach to their fiction writing.
            But these authors were obviously exponents of fiction writing.
         What made Isaac Asimov different was that his fiction appeared
         to come from a very deep understanding of real science. He wrote
         so convincingly that there were many real scientists who took
         thiotimoline seriously. One wonders who are the science writers
         of today who are currently playing the same trick on their readers.
         Only time will tell!

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