Page 24 - April 2024 Newsletter
P. 24


         ‘February fill-dyke’ certainly lived up to its name this year. And not
         only dykes were filled but also water butts, underground aquifers
         and reservoirs. However, the rains caused major problems to
         farmers, homeowners and drivers as the ground became
         saturated and rivers overflowed. Fields and roads were flooded.
         The bridge at Offchurch was closed on at least three occasions.
         Across the UK record rainfall totals were logged. In Offchurch
         142.4 mm of rain fell, over three times the average of 42.2 mm,
         making this the
         wettest February in
         the village since
         records began 26
         years ago. The good
         news is that the
         ground is now
         irrigated to a
         considerable depth,
         which should ensure good tree growth and possibly no ‘hosepipe
         bans’ this year. However, despite all the rain there were 8 dry days
         this month.

                                                    It was a very mild
                                                    month; the average
                                                    temperature was 8.1°C,
                                                    which is 3.2°C above
                                                    the average for the area
                                                    and has set a record for
                                                    the warmest February
                                                    since records began.
         The highest daytime temperature was 16.7°C on the 15th.  Most
         nights were also mild with just two air frosts and 11 grass frosts.
         The coldest night was the 25th when the temperature fell to just -

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