Page 21 - April 2024 Newsletter
P. 21

Messy 2024 dates for

                                                 your diary

                                    We have planned a number of dates for
                                     Messy Church gatherings in 2024. Pop
                                    the dates in your diary or on your calen-
                                     dar and look out for more information.
            18 May : Pentecost

            20/21/22 August: Messy Summer sessions
            12 October: Messy Harvest
            14 December: Messy Christingle
             We do hope you can join us for all or some of these.
                                 The Messy Team
                Messy Church is for families of all shapes and sizes.
         For more information contact Jane on 07850 4442316 or email off-



           Sunday April 7th will see the first of a regular
                         Coffee and Cake Morning
                          in Eathorpe Village Hall

                                10am - 12noon

          This will be a regular event on
         the 1st Sunday of each month.
          So 5th May and 2nd June will
                       be next.
                  ALL WELCOME

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