Page 34 - April 2024 Newsletter
P. 34

their victim’s online accounts.
         How to reduce your risk

         Choose a different password for each account. Too difficult to remember them
         all? You can keep track of passwords using a password manager, or by using
         three random words to make them more memorable.

         You should:
         •     never choose a password that features names, places and numbers that
               are personal to you
         •     choose a different password for each account that is strong and hard to
               guess but if you can’t change them all at once, prioritise your email
         4. Do you use 2-step verification?
         Even if someone has chosen strong and unique passwords for their email and
         bank accounts, there’s always a risk – however small – that a fraudster could
         get hold of them. If they do, there’s nothing to stop them accessing those
         accounts to steal money and other personal details.
         How to reduce your risk
         Setup 2-step verification (2SV) on your most important accounts, such as email
         and social media. 2SV works by asking for more information to prove your
         identity when you’re logging into an online account. It’s one of the most
         effective ways to protect your online accounts from criminals.
         For more information, please visit:

                       PASSWORD MANAGERS

         Password managers are a must in 2024. With cyber crime higher
         than ever before, cybercriminals are using your passwords to
         steal your data and access your finances. Using a good password
         manager will allow you to use highly secured passwords which
         are easy to access and synced across all your devices.
         You can find the solution best for you  by going to the Best 10
         Password Managers site. (https://
         DO IT TODAY! It will be one of the best decisions you ever make!

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