Page 15 - April 2024 Newsletter
P. 15


             Meets at Offchurch Village Hall 7.30-9.30 on the second
                             Wednesday of the Month.

           For the March theme the arrangements were ‘Pot et Fleur’,
              an imaginative combination of a potted plant and cut
            We are learning from each other and appreciating different styles,
             each on our own budget and with some very imaginative ‘props’.
           Confidence is growing and we are very much enjoying being creative
                   using the ‘themed’ programme agreed by members.

                                 Meeting Dates are:
          April 10  A talk by Holly Thurgood on the best seeds to sow for
                              garden flowers to arrange.
           May 8th. One off Change Of Time! Meet at Radford Hall Farm,
           Church Lane, Radford Semele at 1400 -1600 for a guided walk
             around Mandy and Henry Marriot’s farm to look at the trees
            planted over the last 40 years and the flora and fauna which
                                     thrive there.
             All are welcome, to include a ‘cuppa and cake’, £5 for non-
                  Limited numbers so please book in with Maggie.
                             See contact details below.
              June 12th ‘Floral Headdress’ Demonstration, then make your

                       Your first meeting is free, unless stated above.
                   Any further enquiries to

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